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How Massage Therapy Helps Veterans
Today we remember the men and women who have done our nation, and us, a great service – our veterans and those who have fallen in the line of military duty.
These brave people shoulder a burden for us ‘civs’ that we can only imagine, from leaving home to start intense basic training to being shipped off to hostile environments to hours upon hours of boredom in the barracks to the loneliness of long nights away from loved ones. When our soldiers, pilots, medics, and others in military service come home, integrating back into ‘normal’ life isn’t always the easiest thing – how do you reconnect with the person that you were 2 years ago, 4 years ago or longer? How do you integrate what you have seen, done, and felt when you feel like a completely new person?
Massage Therapy, at it’s core, is a time for a person to relax and return to the center of themselves. These moments of quiet, after months or years of active duty, do much for the veterans peace of mind and soul. At Indigo, we do our best to help all of our clients have these quiet moments – and who needs them more than our veterans?
Indigo offers discounts to the men and women who have served our nation’s military as well as those who help protect and care for us at home – check out our Specials page for more information on our Military, Healthcare, and Police/Firemen Discounts.
Sneak These 10 Stretches Into Your Day
After long hours in front of a computer screen, dutifully typing away and answering phone calls, it’s easy to start to feel like Bob Cratchit, Ebenezer Scrooge’s underpaid and overworked minion in A Christmas Carol. Why not take a moment for yourself and stretch out, center, and reconnect to your body?
Dian Daniel easily explains 10 modified yoga moves to sneak into your work day.
Each of these moves is rooted in ancient yoga practice and have been slightly modified for use at the office. Break away from your daily grind and reconnect!
Massage & Self Consciousness
We recently stumbled upon a beautiful blog post by Megan Spence, a bodyworker from Brooklyn, New York, about the often thought of and rarely discussed topic of massage & self consciousness. We found her writing to be inspiring, delving into the realms of our own body acceptance & perception of ourselves. This is a topic massage therapist often talk about amongst themselves but clients feel to shy to ask us – Do you think I’m gross?
Many thanks to Megan for allowing us to link to her words!
Sinus Stuffiness Got You Stuck?
Fall is on the way here and that means, for many of us, sinus headaches, runny noses and a gamut of unpleasant side effects. Acupressure, a simple massage technique very similar to acupuncture, is a quick and simple way to help relieve pressure of sinuses and stress!
Whole Living illustrates three quick & simple acupressure moves to utilize!
Essential oils can help relieve sinus pressure as well. Add a few drops of peppermint oil on a tissue or hanky and inhale for quick relief!
Weekend Warriors and Massage
How can massage therapy help casual, not so casual, and professional athletes? ABMP’s article by Shirley Vanderbilt explains!
5 Tips for Yoga Beginners from “Whole Living”
1. Don’t Worry About Being Perfect
“Along with your yoga mat and your towel, bring a sense of humor to class. Students who get hung up on doing everything ‘perfectly’ are less likely to come back.” — Seane Corn, creator of the “Vinyasa Flow Yoga” DVD series and national yoga ambassador for YouthAIDS.
2. Don’t Force It
“Don’t force your way into yoga. Adapt your movements to accommodate your level of strength and stamina, so that you avoid injury and feel comfortable in every pose.” — Baron Baptiste, founder of Baptiste Power Vinyasa Yoga
3. Connect to the Pose
“Watch out for what I call ‘self mutilation’ – spending your time talking to yourself about what you can’t do. This will make your practice dismal. The more your stay connected to feeling the pose – to breathing into the pose – the better your experience will be.” Ana Forrest, Founder of Forrest Yoga
4. Go On A Retreat
“To jump start your practice, go on a yoga retreat. By temporarily shelving all the distractions in your normal life, you’ll learn enough in just two or three days to make a big dfference in your weekly yoga class experience.” Richard Faulds, former president of Kripalu
5. Be Open
“When you get to class, keep an open mind, Tun in to your own infinite possibilites. And drink water.” – Guruatma Singh Khalsa, co owner of Franklin yoga; yoga instructor for 32 years
Thanks to Whole Living!
Indigo @ Pridefest 2012! A Brief History of Pride in St. Louis
Indigo is proud to walk in the Pride Parade this Sunday, June 24. The theme of Pride this year is Be You! And at Indigo, we are in touch with you – a perfect match! We ordered super cute, baseball-esque Indigo shirts from the Art Farm (thanks, Skylar!) for our walkers and will be wearing tall rainbow socks in celebration of Pride Fest. Speaking of our walkers, we have a crowd! Our lovely team of therapists, Danielle Elder (our knowledgable acupuncturist), several loyal clients and their families, and the families of our staff will be representing Indigo. We will be escorted by Phil Jarvis’s fancy red truck and will be sling shotting rainbow wrist bands into the throngs of parade watchers.
PrideFest started in 1970, one year after the Stonewall Riots in New York City shook up the status quo. The St. Louis LGBT commitee was formed in 1979 and the first Pride Parade in St. Louis was in 1981. The Pride Parade in St. Louis is the largest annual parade in the area! How cool is that?! Pride is held annually in Tower Grove Park and the parade route runs from the Utah and Grand intersection, up Arsenal St. into Tower Grove.
We hope everyone enjoys the Pride festivities this year! Come cheer us on!
“The Shelter of the Father” by Kent Nerburn
Father’s Day is quickly approaching on the heels of Mother’s Day. Too often, Dad’s Day becomes just another Hallmark holiday, ya know, the one where we just send him a card and give him a quick telephone call. It’s easy to forget how important our Fathers are to us, whether they be fully present in our lives or not. This piece by Kent Nerburn is an inspiring call to remember the purpose of fatherhood is to give children wings to take off from their mother’s nest. Doesn’t Dad deserve a relaxing escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life too?
Self Care for Mamas from the Holistic Moms Network
A massage is the perfect way to escape from the stresses of motherhood. This blog post, by the Holistic Moms Network, has several quick tips for revitalization during a hectic time.
Do It Yourself Facial Massage
Wrinkling brows, frowning mouths, gritted teeth – these are just a few of the symptoms of an over stressed person. Why not take matters into your own hands with a DIY Facial massage? Relax those facial muscles before drifting off to sleep…
The massage therapists at Indigo know that self care is part of a wellness program. With these simple exercises, you can start the process of healing.